Agency Survey Personal Lines Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. – Step 1 of 9Objective: To assess the operational practices, compliance with underwriting standards, and claims management processes of agents handling Personal Lines Insurance. Section 1: Employee InformationName *FirstLastPosition/Role within the Agency *Years of Experience in Insurance *Years of Experience Using Current Systems (please specify the system): *NextSection 2: Quoting and Application CompletionWho is responsible for gathering information for quoting and completing applications? Provide the name(s) and role(s) if applicable. *How experienced is the person performing the quoting and application completion? *Do you follow a structured process for asking all application questions, including those about other licensed drivers, driving activity, and vehicle ownership? *YesNoIf no, please explain the variations. *If there are more cars than drivers in the household, do you ask about possible additional drivers? *YesNoSometimesIf Sometimes, please explain *Do you routinely obtain vehicle registrations during the quoting or application process to verify ownership? *YesNoIf all vehicles are rated as "not driven to work or for business" but the insured is not retired, do you ask how they get to work or if they work from home? *YesNoIf no, please explain why *NextSection 3: Submission and Underwriting KnowledgeWho decides when an application is ready for submission? Role(s) of the person(s) making the decision: *What level of knowledge do you or your team have about the company’s underwriting guidelines? *StrongModerateLimitedPlease provide details *Do you feel that if the system accepts a submission, the risk must be okay? *YesNoUnsure not decision: reporting NextSection 4: Documentation and SignaturesDo you obtain wet or electronic signatures on documents that require them? *Wet SignaturesElectronic SignaturesBothWhat is the process for storing completed application files and signed documents? Who has access to these files? *NextSection 5: Claims Reporting and Follow-upWho is responsible for reporting an accident to Cumberland? *AgentInsuredBothIf the agent reports the claim, who gathers the information, and what training have they received in this process? *Does the agent assist the insured in understanding if there might be any coverage issues? *YesNoDoes your agency follow up on the progress of claims after they are submitted? *YesNoIf yes, please describe how follow-ups are conducted. *NextSection 6: Use of Templates and SystemsDo you use any templates to gather information for quotes, make changes, or report claims? *YesNoIf yes, please provide examples. *What technology systems are used in the agency quoting process? *NextSection 7: Management and OversightWhat role do agency management and ownership play in instructing Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) and producers? Focus on: Protecting companies / Writing applicants somewhere / Price-conscious / Other *Do you feel that your agency provides sufficient training, proper procedures, and adequate oversight of underwriting and claims processes? *YesNoIf no, please explain. *Are all staff involved in the submission or reporting of claims licensed? *YesNoNot SureNextSection 8: Compliance and TrainingDo you feel you’ve received the necessary training and certifications to perform your duties in compliance with regulatory standards? *YesNoDo you believe the security measures in place to protect customer data (e.g., encryption, access controls, secure communication channels) are satisfactory? *YesNoPlease explain any concerns.Do you feel you have sufficient understanding of underwriting guidelines, or do you rely more on the quote to underwrite and price? *GuidelinesQuoteBothPlease explain your approach *NextSection 9: Additional CommentsPlease provide any additional comments or suggestions to improve the quoting, application, or claims process at your agency.Submit