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Cumberland Insurance Group Executives Complete Wharton Business Program

Cumberland Insurance Group
Executive Vice President Richard M. Ritter               

Secretary to the Board of Directors,
and CFO Paul J Ritter, III


CUMBERLAND COUNTY, NJ: Cumberland Insurance Group Executive Vice President Richard M. Ritter and Senior Vice President, Secretary to the Board of Directors, and CFO Paul J Ritter, III recently completed the prestigious Insurance Executive Development Program (IED) at The Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. The IED program, which was developed in conjunction with the American Institute for Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters (AICPCU), is an intense two-week residency course held at the Wharton School’s Steinberg Conference Center on the University of Pennsylvania campus. The Wharton School is recognized internationally for their leadership and ongoing innovation across every major discipline of business education. With alumni in 140 countries, Wharton is renowned for its preparation of business leaders who will confront the complex challenges of our interconnected world.

“Effective leaders should take advantage of every opportunity to learn,” said Cumberland Insurance Group President and CEO Robert P. Brady. “The AICPCU and the Wharton School have developed an executive education program which offers practical lessons about the skills and behaviors executives need in order to be effective leaders. The knowledge Rick and Paul have gained will strengthen our current corporate management team, ensure we continue to operate with a long-term view, and help us maintain stability and security for our policyholders and agency partners.”

Individuals entering the IED program are selected through a nomination process. Participants receive a solid foundation of core business functions combined with real world knowledge from Wharton’s world-class professors, industry experts, and executive level peers. Sessions focus on managerial leadership and professional development in the areas of marketing strategy, strategic finance, shareholder value, managing technology and innovation, implementing strategy, and managing people. In addition, the course features computer-based simulations involving experimentation with the decision-making process, and a full-day strategic visioning workshop that integrates core business learning and professional development.

Richard M. Ritter has 30 years of experience in the insurance industry and previously served for four years as President of The Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Chester County. He oversees underwriting operations at the Bridgeton, New Jersey; Coatesville, Pennsylvania; and Prince Frederick, Maryland offices; and oversees Information Technology operations at the Mansfield, Ohio office. Mr. Ritter also currently serves as Vice Chairman of the Delaware Insurance Guaranty Association. “Even after my many years in the insurance business, the IED Program helped broaden my perspective on

short, medium, and long-range strategic thinking. The practical ideas presented throughout the course provided fresh approaches which will help navigate our Company through the challenging business environment we currently face.”

Paul J. Ritter III, Esq. holds an accounting degree from the University of Notre Dame and a law degree from Widener University. His responsibilities include budgeting and strategic planning, financial reporting, enterprise risk management, and business continuation planning. Mr. Ritter is also an Adjunct Professor of Business Law at Cumberland County College. “The IED program helped clarify for me just how interconnected the business world really is. Of the 29 students in our class, there were insurance executives from Germany, Thailand, and Spain, as well as major U.S. companies like Liberty Mutual and State Farm. The rigorous curriculum was very relevant to today’s business issues and will be an invaluable planning tool as we assess strategies and tactics for the future.”

The Cumberland Insurance Group, established in 1844, is celebrating its 165th anniversary and currently serves over 120,000 policyholders in the states of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland. In 2008, the Company had Total Admitted Assets of $315,595,220 and a Policyholders’ Surplus of $140,166,468. For more information about The Cumberland Insurance Group, or to find an independent agent near you, please visit

Cumberland Insurance Group Supports Bridgeton Library

(L-R) “Friends Of The Bridgeton Library” President Ed Stadler; Library Director Gail Robinson; “Save The Library” Chairperson
Sally Garrison; Cumberland Insurance Group Senior Vice President, CFO, and Secretary To The Board Paul Ritter, III, Esq.;
Controller Frank Wilson; and President and CEO Robert Brady.

A commitment to integrity, a dedication to customer service, and a desire to take an active role in the community defines the men and women of The Cumberland Insurance Group. From promoting educational opportunities to looking for ways to minimize the Company’s environmental impact, we strive to enhance the health, welfare, and quality of life of our employees and the communities we serve.

Most recently, The Cumberland Insurance Group was pleased to support fund-raising efforts to save the Bridgeton Public Library. The Company recently donated $1,000 to help with the repair of the Library’s leaky roof.

“As a Company, we are committed to living and working every day as a proud member of the community,” said Cumberland Insurance Group President and CEO Robert P. Brady. “The Bridgeton Public Library provides children and adults the opportunity to experience new ideas, explore great minds, and learn about local history, while at the same time providing a sense of place for gathering. It reflects the diversity, character, needs, and expectations of our community, and we are proud to make this investment for the future.”

The Cumberland Insurance Group, established in 1844, is celebrating its 165th anniversary and currently serves over 120,000 policyholders in the states of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland. In 2008, the Company had Total Admitted Assets of $315,595,220 and a Policyholders’ Surplus of $140,166,468. For more information about The Cumberland Insurance Group, or to find an independent agent near you, please visit

Cumberland Insurance Group Scores Well with New Jersey Agents

BRIDGETON, NJ: The Cumberland Insurance Group achieved outstanding levels of customer satisfaction among New Jersey independent insurance agents according to a Professional Insurance Agents (PIA) study published in the October PIA Magazine. In the cumulative Company Performance Survey (CPS) results, Cumberland Insurance scored 165 out of 200, placing them 6th overall in the state, only 11 points from the top spot. The CPS was a cooperative effort of the PIA associations in New Jersey, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and New York.

A record number of 1,226 agents took part in the PIA study which ranked the performance of 77 insurance companies in 20 individual categories from 1 to 10. While The Cumberland Insurance Group placed well in all categories across the board with an average rating of 8.2, their highest rankings were achieved in the following CPS areas: Competitive Compensation, Dedication to the Independent Agency System, Consistent Underwriting, Listens and Responds to Customer Needs, Provides Clear and Honest Communication, and Offers Competitive Pricing. Over 7,000 individual company evaluations were reviewed and processed as part of the data gathering phase.

“Our independent agency partners are critical to ensuring that a policyholder’s first experience with Cumberland Insurance becomes a lasting relationship,” said Robert P. Brady, Cumberland Insurance Group President and CEO. “By delivering products and services that our agents are able to effectively market, and by maintaining quality underwriting and pricing discipline, we are able to achieve positive results for the Company and our agency force.”

“Strong relationships with community-based, professional insurance agents have always been a key to the Company’s success,” said Senior Vice President of Marketing Steve J. Catranis, CPCU. “After all, independent agents are the face of our business. They know firsthand what our customers need and expect from their insurance carrier, and are in touch with the local marketplace they serve. Our goal is to be their market of choice by providing the combination of relationships, competitive products, superior service, and the ease of doing business that they are looking for.”

“Understanding and responding to the needs of our agency partners will continue to drive our future success. As a result, ongoing efforts to develop new products, enhance the delivery of services through technology, and provide training and marketing support will continue to be a part of our business model. The independent findings of the PIA study provide feedback which is important to helping Cumberland Insurance meet the needs of our agents and policyholders in the years to come,” Brady concluded.

The Cumberland Insurance Group, established in 1844, is celebrating its 165th anniversary and currently serves over 120,000 policyholders in the states of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland. In 2008, the Company had Total Admitted Assets of $315,595,220 and a Policyholders’ Surplus of $140,166,468. For more information about The Cumberland Insurance Group, or to find an independent agent near you, please visit

Cumberland Insurance Group Recognized for Financial Stability

CUMBERLAND COUNTY, NEW JERSEY: The Cumberland Insurance Group has been recognized as one of only 55 Property and Casualty insurance companies that have maintained an AM Best financial strength rating of “A” for at least 50 years. The announcement came as part of a cover story in Best’s Review Magazine entitled “Standing The Test Of Time.” AM Best ratings are based on a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative evaluation of a company’s balance sheet strength, operating performance, business profile, and ability to meet its obligations to policyholders.

“We are very pleased to be included in such a select list of companies,” said Cumberland Insurance Group President and CEO Robert P. Brady. “The AM20Best ratings are recognized worldwide as the benchmark for assessing financial strength in the insurance industry. Their opinions represent an independent third-party evaluation that subjects all insurers to the same rigorous criteria. As a result, consumers have a reliable tool to use when evaluating what insurance company to buy from.”

However, it is not just AM Best that has recognized The Cumberland Insurance Group’s performance. In fact, a recent comparative analysis by Standard Analytical Service, Inc. of fifteen leading Property and Casualty companies, The Cumberland Insurance Group outperformed the aggregate average in all categories.

“While many insurance companies are facing financial trouble, The Cumberland Insurance Group remains a well-capitalized company whose surplus exceeds its written premiums, ensuring that we have the financial strength to aggressively compete for new business,” said Paul J. Ritter, III, Senior Vice President, CFO, and Secretary to the Board. “Furthermore, our commitment to Enterprise Risk Management initiatives ensures our safety and soundness during these uncertain financial times.”

“We recognize that our clients frequently have complex insurance needs and yet they desire simple, tailored designs and competitive features. We have been able to meet these needs over the years through a defined vision and sustained results. As we navigate the current market conditions and look to the future, we will continue to deliver the products, services, and technology that make The Cumberland Insurance Group the best solution for our agents and policyholders,” Brady concluded.

The Cumberland Insurance Group, established in 1844, is celebrating its 165th anniversary and currently serves over 120,000 policyholders in the states of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland. In 2008, the Company had Total Admitted Assets of $315,595,220 and a Policyholders’ Surplus of $140,166,468. For more information about The Cumberland Insurance Group, or to find an independent agent near you, please visit

Cumberland Insurance Launches Employee Wellness Initiative

The Bridgeton “Living CIGnificantly” team members present Betty Vivona with a gift card for winning the “Name of the Committee” contest. Pictured (L-R) are Norm Hetzell, Betty Vivona, Kelli Fisher, Laurie LaTorre, and Frank Wilson.

CUMBERLAND COUNTY, NEW JERSEY: In today’s economy, rising health care costs are putting the squeeze on many businesses. Double-digit yearly rate increases have sent corporate America scrambling to find new ways to lower health benefit costs in order to stay competitive in the marketplace. At The Cumberland Insurance Group, employees have become partners in this effort through a new initiative entitled “Living CIGnificantly.”

“From 2008 to 2009, the Company’s health care premiums increased 10.44% and prescription premiums increased 50%,” said Cumberland Insurance Group President and CEO Robert P. Brady. “This surge in health care costs could reduce our capacity to invest in capital improvements, product development, and employee benefits, all of which would have a profound impact on our ability to grow and compete for new business. Working with our employees, we felt we could do better. As a result, management is encouraging employee efforts to be true partners in the Company’s health care decisions.”

A study released this year by the American Institute for Preventive Medicine found that 62% of all companies, ranging from small to large, offer some type of wellness program. “Prior to the ‘Living CIGnificantly’ initiative, Cumberland Insurance did sporadically promote employee health related issues, but admittedly it was unfocused. The exciting part of this initiative is that employees are out front promoting the effort. Senior Management strongly believes empowering employees to take charge of their health care is a critical step in controlling escalating costs,” Brady said.

The “Living CIGnificantly” initiative is designed to educate employees on how to be better consumers of health care services. The initiative includes a six-member team who meet regularly to discuss options to improve employee nutrition, exercise, and overall well-being. The team consists of members from the Bridgeton, New Jersey; Coatesville, Pennsylvania; and Mansfield, Ohio offices including Laurie LaTorre, Norm Hetzell, Kelli Fisher, Frank Wilson, Steve Sutter, and Brenda Taylor.

According to Human Resources Director Laurie LaTorre, “The wellness team was formed in March, and the first thing we did was to conduct a survey of employees to better understand their health needs and concerns, and how these fit within the Company’s goals and objectives. As part of this survey, we also conducted a ‘Name The Committee’ contest among the employees. The Committee received dozens of e-mail submissions and each member chose their top three suggestions. After review and much discussion, we selected ‘Living CIGnificantly,’ which had been submitted by Bridgeton employee Betty Vivona. We were pleased to award Betty a Visa giftcard for the winning suggestion.”

“I was really surprised to hear the Committee had used my suggestion,” Betty said. “I was busy doing some work and it just popped into my head. I think the whole wellness effort is a great idea, and I am vey proud to play a small part in its start-up.”

“Using the survey results, we began to develop a number of wellness initiatives designed to help individuals measure their health risks and educate themselves on how to prevent future health problems,” LaTorre continued. “One of our first programs, in conjunction with Atlanticare, included offering simple tests performed on-site to measure blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, body composition, and nutrition. Over 50 employees from the Bridgeton office participated in the screenings. Subsequent screenings were also held in the Ohio office. All participants were encouraged to create ‘health dashboards’ to track things like exercise, food consumption, calories, and weight.”

Encouraged by the response, the “Living CIGnificantly” Team began to develop a variety of additional activities to motivate employees and help reduce health care costs. “We are scheduling educational sessions during lunch dealing with topics such as obesity, smoking, alcoholism, drug abuse, coping with stress, nutrition labels, and healthy eating,” LaTorre continued. “We are also creating a health and safety calendar featuring artwork provided by children of employees, a holiday fund-raising cookbook featuring healthy recipes, and an annual Health Fair with vendors from throughout the health care industry.

In addition, we are examining the feasibility of creating a corporate fitness program, and ways to reward employees for participating. For example, we could give health food gift certificates, gym memberships, or award special parking spots for a week or a month. We also want to acknowledge employee health and wellness leaders in our newsletter, internal communications, and on our Web site. Thanking employees for a job well done goes a long way towards keeping people happy and motivated.”

“Our hope with this initiative is to help employees make better health care decisions by giving them the knowledge, encouragement, and the tools to actually change unhealthy lifestyles before they turn into chronic diseases. In addition to improvements in employee fitness levels, energy, and productivity, this investment will have a positive impact on our bottom-line,” Brady concluded.

The Cumberland Insurance Group, established in 1844, is celebrating its 165th anniversary and currently serves over 120,000 policyholders in the states of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland. In 2008, the Company had Total Admitted Assets of $315,595,220 and a Policyholders’ Surplus of $140,166,468. For more information about The Cumberland Insurance Group, or to find an independent agent near you, please visit

Cumberland Insurance Employees Raise Funds for Charity

The Cumberland Insurance Group Relay For Life team members included (L-R) Linda May, Sherrie Raws, Noel Young,
Amanda Broadwater, and Sistine Krupa. Not pictured are Laurie LaTorre and Delia Nelson.

Employees from The Cumberland Insurance Group recently participated in the Relay For Life fund-raising event on behalf of the American Cancer Society. Through the efforts of many individuals, Cumberland Insurance Group employees raised a total of $8,592 to help those in need.

The Relay was held at Cumberland County College, and Cumberland Insurance Group participants, as well as many other teams from the community, took turns walking or running around the athletic track. Each team was asked to have a representative on the track at all times during the 24-hour event.

“The American Cancer Society Relay For Life represents the hope that those lost to cancer will never be forgotten, and that one day cancer will be eliminated,” said Robert P. Brady, Cumberland Insurance Group President and CEO. “I am extremely proud of everyone who helped support this effort. Each person can take pride in knowing that they are working to create a world where this disease will no longer threaten the lives of our loved ones.”

While the Relay itself is a one-day event, Cumberland employees conducted fund-raising activities for 12 weeks prior to the Relay. According to Team Captain Sistine Krupa, “We raised $3,000 in-house by holding lunches, denim days, a bake sale, a flower sale, basket giveaways, and by selling pretzels, lemonade, and Rita’a Water Ice. The rest of the money was raised by team members selling signs and private donations. Our team, which included Laurie LaTorre, Amanda Broadwater, Noel Young, Sherrie Raws, Delia Nelson, and Linda May, qualified for gold team status and received a trophy for the most on-line donations.”

“Relay For Life is more than just a fund-raiser,” Krupa continued. “It’s a life-changing experience, and an opportunity for every person in the community to celebrate, remember, and fight back in the worldwide movement to end cancer. My thanks go out to all of the employees in The Cumberland Insurance Group family who gave generously, and to everyone else who helped make the Relay a tremendous success.”

“In addition to raising much needed money for a good cause, our partnership with the American Cancer Society, and many other charitable organizations, provides an excellent way to demonstrate our commitment to corporate social responsibility,” Brady continued. “It also gives our employees the opportunity to get involved in the community, have some fun, and build skills like teamwork, communication, decision making, and creativity. The Board and senior management fully support the policy of giving back to the community. It is a win/win situation for everyone involved.”

The Cumberland Insurance Group, established in 1844, is celebrating its 165th anniversary and currently serves over 120,000 policyholders in the states of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland. In 2008, the Company had Total Admitted Assets of $315,595,220 and a Policyholders’ Surplus of $140,166,468. For more information about The Cumberland Insurance Group, or to find an independent agent near you, please visit

Cumberland Insurance Group Announces Promotions and New Officer

From left to right – Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Richard M Ritter, Senior Vice President Lisa C. Koelln, Treasurer David Weiner, Assistant Vice President Glenn Watkins, and Assistant Vice President Bill Harmer.

BRIDGETON, NJ: The Cumberland Insurance Group Board of Directors has announced the promotions of Richard M. Ritter, Lisa C. Koelln, David Weiner, Glenn Watkins, and Bill Harmer.

“We greatly appreciate the many contributions these talented individuals have made to The Cumberland Insurance Group,” said President and CEO Robert P. Brady. “Their hard work and innovative thinking have strengthened our market position, and increased the quality, effectiveness, and level of service for our business. We look forward to their continued leadership, dedication, and creativity, all of which are critical to our future success.”

Richard M. Ritter was promoted from Executive Vice President to Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. He has over 30 years of experience in the insurance industry and previously served for four years as President of The Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Chester County. Mr. Ritter joined The Cumberland Insurance Group in 2000 following the merger between the two companies. He oversees operations in the Bridgeton, New Jersey; Coatesville, Pennsylvania; Prince Frederick, Maryland; and Mansfield, Ohio offices. Mr. Ritter also currently serves as Vice Chairman of the Delaware Insurance Guaranty Association, and as Vice President of the Coatesville Area School Board.

Lisa C. Koelln. has been promoted from Vice President to Senior Vice President. Ms. Koelln graduated from Bucknell University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Math. She joined The Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Chester County in 1998 as a Commercial Lines Underwriter. Prior to joining Chester, she spent time in the agency side of the business, and also worked for Travelers Insurance and Zurich Insurance. Ms. Koelln holds both a CIC and CISR insurance designation. She is responsible for overseeing and coordinating Personal and Commercial Lines Underwriting for the Company.

David Weiner has been promoted from Accounting Manager to Treasurer. Mr. Weiner graduated from St. John’s University Magna Cum Laude in 1998 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting, and graduated Summa Cum Laude from St. John’s in 2003 with a Masters Degree in Finance. Prior to joining The Cumberland Insurance Group in 2008, Mr. Weiner had 12 years of hands-on experience in financial management in both public and private settings including Grant Thornton, LLP; Ace Capital Re Overseas, Inc; Georgeson Shareholder Communications; Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins; and Kimble Glass, Inc. As Treasurer, his duties include preparation of regulatory filings; annual budgeting and quarterly financial reports for the Board; and management of accounting, billing, and accounts receivable.

Glenn Watkins has been promoted from Marketing Representative to Assistant Vice President. He has been with The Cumberland Insurance Group for nine years, and currently serves as a liaison between the Company and its independent agency partners. Prior to joining the Company, he worked in the claims department at CGU Insurance. Mr. Watkins graduated from Mount Saint Mary’s College with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Finance, and earned his Agent’s property and casualty license in 1989. He is a Past President of the New Jersey 1752 Club, and is a recipient of the New Jersey Professional Insurance Agents Company Person of the Year Award in 2005, and the New Jersey Young Insurance Professionals John Laux Distinguished Service Award in 2007. He currently serves as Co-Chairman of the Independent Insurance Agents of New Jersey Make a Wish Committee, a Director for the Independent Insurance Agents of Camden Gloucester County, and as a Director on the Board of the New Jersey Young Insurance Professionals.

Bill Harmer has been promoted from New Jersey Personal Lines Manager to Assistant Vice President. Mr. Harmer joined the Company in 2003 as the Home Office Agency Representative, and in 2008 was named Personal Lines Manager. Prior to joining Cumberland, he spent 19 years in the agency side of the business servicing both Personal and Commercial Lines accounts. Mr. Harmer has an Associate Degree in both Drafting and Business Administration from Gloucester County College. He currently holds a CIC insurance designation and is pursuing his CPCU designation. He will continue to manage the New Jersey Personal Lines Department.

The Cumberland Insurance Group was established in 1844 and currently serves over 120,000 policyholders in the states of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland. In 2008, the Company had Total Admitted Assets of $315,595,220 and a Policyholders’ Surplus of $140,166,468. For more information about The Cumberland Insurance Group or to find an independent agent near you, please visit

For more information about this press release, please contact Lee Tofanelli at 856-691-3113.

Cumberland Insurance Group Announces Solid 2008 Results

BRIDGETON, NJ: Despite continuing soft insurance market conditions and the severe problems in the financial markets, The Cumberland Insurance Group posted a solid year in 2008. In results released at the Company’s recent Annual Meeting, The Cumberland Insurance Group reported an increase in Direct Written Premiums to $128,727,302, and a net income for the year of over $5 million.

“The positive results we achieved in 2008 make it clear that The Cumberland Insurance Group’s long-term operating strategy is correct,” said Chairman Leo T. Hogan. “Our strategic focus has been on solid, steady investments offering stable earnings, and hence a high degree of security. This security represents the foundation of our business and justifies the trust that our policyholders and agency partners have placed in the Company for 165 years.”

“This business philosophy has served us well, and as a result through very tough national economic times we are proud that our 2008 results are very different from the stories that continue to lead the news headlines,” said President and CEO Robert P. Brady. “We have a good story to tell which is grounded in ethical decision-making, long-term profitability, and financial stability. Our conservative approach in the areas of underwriting, reserving, and operations has built a stable company with a strong capital position and consistent growth.”

“Additionally, our capital management strategy has allowed us to support key business initiatives such as infrastructure investments in new products and technologies,” Brady continued. “Many of t hese enhancements came online in 2008, making it easier for agents to quote, write, and service business with the Company.”

“We are also pleased that efforts to improve our overall expense ratio by streamlining operations and instituting other internal expense controls were successful. We did have to make some difficult decisions. However, as a result, we believe we have improved our competitive position in the marketplace and are well-positioned for the future,” Brady concluded.

The Cumberland Insurance Group was established in 1844 and currently serves over 120,000 policyholders in the states of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland. In 2008, the Company had Total Admitted Assets of $315,595,220 and a Policyholders’ Surplus of $140,166,468. For more information about The Cumberland Insurance Group or to find an independent agent near you, please visit

For more information about this press release, please contact Lee Tofanelli at 856-691-3113.

Cumberland Insurance Award 2008 – 2009 College Scholarships

Cumberland County College President Dr. Ken Ender, Ph.D.
looks on as scholarship award winner David Gifford accepts a check from Cumberland Insurance Group Human Resources Manager Laurie LaTorre, PHR.

Delaware County Community College scholarship award winner
Lisa Paterson is congratulated by Linda deSimone, Director of the College’s Southeast Center Campus.

BRIDGETON, NJ: Paying for college just got easier for five deserving and talented students attending Cumberland County College in New Jersey and Delaware County Community College in Pennsylvania, through college scholarships awarded as part of The Cumberland Insurance Group continuing education program. Each student will receive between $750 and $2,500 toward college expenses in recognition of excellence demonstrated by their leadership, community service, and academic achievement. Scholarship award winners were selected by a committee of educators at each individual college.

“Education is the key to the high-skill, high-paying jobs of tomorrow,” said Cumberland Insurance Group President Robert P. Brady. “The Scholarship Program was created to further the education of students who demonstrate the potential to become the next generation of business leaders. By awarding these scholarships, we are investing in a brighter tomorrow for our children, our communities, and our company.”

The first $2,500 scholarship was awarded to David Gifford who is attending Cumberland County College this fall in pursuit of a career in Paralegal Studies. David is a graduate of Millville High School. “We were pleased to recommend David from a number of exceptional students,” said Sue Perry of Cumberland County College. “We congratulate him and wish him much success as he continues his education and career development.”

The next four scholarships were awarded to students attending Delaware County Community College. The 2008-2009 academic year recipients included one scholarship winner from 2007-2008, and three freshman students. Kimberly Brown and Lisa Paterson each received $750 to pursue their degrees in Business Administration. Ms. Paterson has previously received a $1,500 award. Kimberly Jemison received $2,000 and Lisa Stillman received $1,500 to continue studies in the field of Business Management.

“On behalf of all of our Cumberland Insurance employees, I congratulate the recipients of this year’s company scholarships,” said Paul J. Ritter, III, Cumberland Insurance Group Senior Vice President, Secretary to the Board, and CFO. “These young men and women have worked very hard to achieve the academic records that enabled them to qualify for and receive these awards. We are very proud to support their continued studies and to be able to help them pursue their academic goals. We are also pleased to partner with two outstanding colleges which enhance the quality of life for residents and businesses in the New Jersey and Pennsylvania communities they serve.”

“The Cumberland Insurance scholarship was critical in helping me meet my academic goals,” said award winner Lisa Patterson. “The support allowed me to concentrate more on my course work and worry less about how I was going to pay for it.”

“I was honored to be selected for this scholarship,” Kimberly Brown said. “As a mature student with a number of financial obligations, I really appreciated the extra encouragement and support.”

“We are honored to award scholarships to such driven, hard working, and dedicated students,” said Cumberland Insurance Group Executive Vice President Richard M. Ritter. “Their academic records, along with their extracurricular activities, make them highly deserving individuals of these awards. If their educational achievements are any indication, I am confident that they will all have very lucrative and successful careers when they move into their chosen professions.”

The Cumberland Insurance Group was established in 1844 and currently serves over 134,000 policyholders in the states of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland. In 2007, the Company had Total Admitted Assets of $322,267,129 and a Policyholders’ Surplus of $140,387,741. For more information about The Cumberland Insurance Group, please visit


For more information about this press release, please contact Lee Tofanelli at 856-691-3113.

Cumberland Insurance Group Remains Strong in the Face of Financial Downturn

CUMBERLAND COUNTY, NJ: With the torrent of bad economic news sweeping Wall Street and Main Street, businesses and individuals are justifiably nervous about the ability of their insurance company to protect their assets. According to the Boston-based insurance consultant Celent, “This crisis is sure to affect insurers the world over for years to come. Although the unprecedented breadth and intensity of issues currently facing the industry will constrain future growth, they also represent opportunities for carriers that position themselves correctly.”

“The dynamics of the current marketplace provide The Cumberland Insurance Group with opportunities, as more and more of our agency partners look to the Company to answer the needs of the insurance buyer,” said Leo T. Hogan, Cumberland Insurance Group Chairman and CEO. “As a result of strategies we have followed over the last decade, The Cumberland Insurance Group remains strong in the face of this worldwide financial downturn.”

“Over the last ten years, The Cumberland Insurance Group has achieved record direct written premiums and policyholders’ surplus,” said President Robert P. Brady. “In fact, in a most recent comparative analysis of current financial responsibility by Standard Analytical Service, Inc. of fifteen leading Property and Casualty companies, Cumberland Insurance outperformed the aggregate average in all categories.”

“However, in order to remain a premier mutual insurance company, we must continue to evaluate our existing products and develop new products and technology to meet the need of our customers,” Brady said. “Through our Information Technology and Research and Development Departments we are developing valuable innovations, ideas, and practical applications which will be a source of value when it comes to gaining a competitive advantage in the marketplace.”

According to Celent, “Carriers will need to reexamine their IT projects against a combination of strategic goals, including getting smarter by making better use of their market data and developing more robust analytic and modeling capabilities.”

“With the wisdom and guidance of our Board of Directors, The Cumberland Insurance Group has taken great strides to better serve our customers by maintaining the Company’s focus on tradition while welcoming innovation and growth,” said Richard M. Ritter, Cumberland Insurance Group Executive Vice President. “By continuing to evaluate our current product offerings and developing new products and technologies, we enhance our ability to increase our book of business.”

“In the face of current financial conditions, The Cumberland Insurance Group remains a well-capitalized company whose surplus exceeds its written premiums, ensuring that we have the financial strength to aggressively compete for new business,” said Paul J. Ritter, III, Senior Vice President, CFO, and Secretary to the Board. “Furthermore, our commitment to Enterprise Risk Management initiatives ensures our safety and soundness in these uncertain financial times.”

“The attention to detail in all aspects of our business helps separate us from other insurance companies. It is a legacy of service and financial strength that is reflected in our day-to-day operations. We are proud to say that for over 163 years we have been there when it counts, meeting the needs of our policyholders with competitive and innovative products and exceptional customer service. As we navigate the current market conditions and look to the future, we will continue to deliver the products, services, and technology that make The Cumberland Insurance Group the best solution for our agents and policyholders.”

The Cumberland Insurance Group was established in 1844 and currently serves over 134,000 policyholders in the states of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland. In 2007, the Company had Total Admitted Assets of $322,267,129 and a Policyholders’ Surplus of $140,387,741. For more information about The Cumberland Insurance Group, please visit

For more information about this press release, please contact Lee Tofanelli at 856-691-3113.

Cumberland Insurance Group Announces Promotion and New Officer

BRIDGETON, NEW JERSEY: The Cumberland Insurance Group Board of Directors is pleased to recognize Richard M. Ritter, Paul J. Ritter III, Esq., Roby L. Musick, and Linda M. May on their recent promotions, and welcomes Michael A. Colodney, Esq. as the new Vice President of Legal Affairs.

“These promotions solidify the organization as we move forward and position The Cumberland Insurance Group with the next generation of leadership,” said Cumberland Insurance Group CEO and Chairman Leo T. Hogan. “Rick and Paul are both assuming expanded management roles. Both have been instrumental in developing our current strategy and our record results in recent years. They demonstrate the strength and depth of Cumberland’s executive talent.”

Richard M. Ritter was promoted from Assistant Executive Vice President to Executive Vice President. He has 30 years of experience in the insurance industry and previously served for four years as President of The Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Chester County. Mr. Ritter joined The Cumberland Insurance Group in 2000 following the merger between the two companies. He oversees underwriting operations in the Bridgeton, New Jersey; Coatesville, Pennsylvania; and Prince Frederick, Maryland offices; and oversees Information Technology operations in Mansfield, Ohio. Mr. Ritter also currently serves as the Vice Chairman of the Delaware Insurance Guaranty Association, and as the Vice Chairman of the Coatesville Area School Board.

Paul J. Ritter III, Esq. has been promoted from Vice President and Assistant Secretary to the Board of Directors to Senior Vice President, CFO, and Secretary to the Board of Directors. Mr. Ritter graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 1983 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting and received his law degree from Widener University in 1987. He joined The Cumberland Insurance Group in 1999. Mr. Ritter’s new responsibilities include budgeting and strategic planning, internal financial reporting, enterprise risk management, and business continuation planning. In addition, he serves as the Deputy Mayor of Hopewell Township, New Jersey, and as a member of the Hopewell Township Planning Board. Mr. Ritter is also an Adjunct Professor of Business Law at Cumberland County College.

Roby L. Musick has been promoted from Vice President to Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer. He has nearly 20 years of experience in the information technology field. Prior to joining The Cumberland Insurance Group, Mr. Musick worked for the Shelby Insurance Company and the Selective Insurance Group. Mr. Musick currently manages The Cumberland Insurance Group’s Ohio technology office. He is a member of the Technology Advisory Committee for Pioneer Joint Vocational School and a member of the Information Systems Advisory Committee for North Central State College.

Linda M. May has been with The Cumberland Insurance Group for 30 years. She previously managed the Commercial Lines Underwriting Department, and in 2006, she assumed management of the newly created Research and Development Department. Ms. May graduated from Cumberland County College, and has pursued a number of continuing educational courses through professional insurance organizations. She also obtained her Agent’s license from the South Jersey Professional School of Business. Ms. May is the president-elect of the National Association of Insurance Women of Cumberland/Salem County.

Michael A. Colodney, Esq. has joined The Cumberland Insurance Group as Vice President of Legal Affairs. Prior to joining Cumberland, Mr. Colodney was a Senior Associate in the Corporate and Business Law Department of Bressler, Amery, & Ross, P.C.; General Counsel and Assistant Corporate Secretary for Goen Technologies; and Associate General Counsel and Director of Regulatory Affairs for the Credit Union Affiliates of New Jersey. He received his law degree from Seton Hall University in 1997. As the senior legal officer for The Cumberland Insurance Group, Mr. Colodney is responsible for guiding all aspects of the corporate legal functions.

“My congratulations go out to all five individuals. Rick, Paul, Rob, and Linda have been integral members of our leadership team for several years,” said Cumberland Insurance Group President Robert P. Brady. “Over this period, they have made significant contributions to our enhanced regional capabilities and our compliance responsibilities. We are also pleased to have Michael Colodney as a new member of The Cumberland Insurance Group family. His legal acumen, leadership skills, and breadth of industry knowledge will be strong assets for the Company.”

The Cumberland Insurance Group was established in 1844 and currently serves over 134,000 policyholders in the states of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland. In 2007, the Company had Total Admitted Assets of $322,267,129 and a Policyholders’ Surplus of $140,387,741. For more information about The Cumberland Insurance Group, please visit

For more information about this press release, please contact Lee Tofanelli at 856-691-3113.

Cumberland Insurance Group Strongly Supports Professional Insurance Organizations

BRIDGETON, NEW JERSEY: Since 1844, The Cumberland Insurance Group has provided property and casualty insurance products and services to a growing regional market. Over our 164 year history, strong relationships with independent community-based, professional insurance agents have always been a key to our success. Our commitment to the independent agency system and to the professional insurance organizations that support our agency partners is stronger today than ever.

“We recognize that our agents are instrumental to our success, and we remain committed to the independent agency system and the insurance associations that support this system,” said Leo T. Hogan, Cumberland Insurance Group CEO and Chairman. “Because independent agents are local residents, the customer interaction that is important to creating confidence and security is easier to achieve. Local agents know the market well and this knowledge helps the Company underwrite efficiently, price the business adequately, and develop long-term relationships with the policyholder.”

“Independent insurance associations provide a support system professional independent agents can rely on for information, education, advocacy, networking, and guidance,” said Steve J. Catranis, Senior Vice President of Marketing. “A united front and an excellent support system are the keys to the independent insurance agents’ well being and success, and in turn to the success of The Cumberland Insurance Group. Despite all of the competition from new distribution outlets such as the Internet and 1-800 insurance companies, the independent agency system has held strong and stands=2 0as proof positive that independent agents bring value to the industry and to their customers.”

The Cumberland Insurance Group is proud to support associations like the Professional Insurance Agents (PIA), Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers (IIAB), and the National Association of Insurance Women (NAIW). This support manifests itself in a number of ways. For example, the Company has been a sponsor of annual statewide conventions held by these organizations for many years, and also continues to support special events like the annual IIAB of New Jersey golf classic which raises money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. We encourage the participation by Cumberland employees as members and officers in professional insurance associations, and we vigorously support their ongoing educational opportunities.

The Cumberland Insurance Group was established in 1844 and currently serves over 134,000 policyholders in the states of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland. In 2007, the Company had Total Admitted Assets of $322,267,129 and a Policyholders’ Surplus of $140,387,741. For more information about The Cumberland Insurance Group, please visit

For more information about this press release, please contact Lee Tofanelli at 856-691-3113.