Cumberland Mutual will be closed on Monday September 4th
In recognition of the Labor Day holiday, Cumberland Mutual will be closed on Monday, September 4th, 2023.
In recognition of the Labor Day holiday, Cumberland Mutual will be closed on Monday, September 4th, 2023.
Effective August 17, 2021, please mail payments to:
Cumberland Mutual
PO Box 645858
Cincinnati, OH 45264-5858
If you mail payments using the provided invoice stub and return envelope, or if you are enrolled in automatic payments with Cumberland Mutual, no changes are necessary as the new address will be printed on all future invoices and return envelopes.
You can continue to use the office street address of 633 Shiloh Pike, Bridgeton NJ, 08302 and PO Box 556 for all non-payment mail.
If you have any questions, call 800-232-6992, option 2 to speak with a billing representative.
Thank you for choosing Cumberland Mutual for your insurance needs!
Cumberland Mutual has been listed as one on New Jersey’s Best Places to Work, 2021 by NJBIZ.
To see the entire list, click HERE
Cumberland Mutual has been rated one of the best Homeowners Insurance Companies in New Jersey- “Best For Fast Claims Support”
To read more, click HERE
Cumberland Mutual is pleased to announce that AM Best has affirmed our rating of A- (Excellent) with a stable outlook.
For more information, please visit the AM Best Company website at
Your elected officials are currently considering legislation that would dramatically broaden the standard to prove “bad faith” when you have a disagreement with your insurer over uninsured and uninsured motorist (UM/UIM) coverage.
This will lead to an increased number of lawsuits being filed in UM/UIM cases and companies will settle for artificially higher payout amounts in an attempt to avoid the potentially significant jury awards this legislation could lead to. The unintended consequence of this bill would be an increase in the cost of UM/UIM coverage, which is a coverage included in all Standard automobile insurance policies.
Couched as consumer protection, this bill disregards the fact that New Jersey has strong laws and regulations* that protect consumers when they have a dispute with their insurer. Read More Here
Tell Trenton: Don’t Touch My Insurance Rates
Cumberland Mutual is a proud sponsor of CompleteCare and their annual Cumberland County Legends event that honors those who have made an impact in the Cumberland County area. The 2020 Legends included Dr. Thomas A. Dwyer, Austin P. Gould, and the Trout Family. Cumberland Mutual would like to congratulate and thank this year’s Cumberland County Legends for all that they have done for our community. Click here to watch the 2020 Cumberland County Legends Virtual Event.
As part of Cumberland Mutual’s ongoing efforts to assist policyholders during this unprecedented time, we are announcing a premium refund on all personal auto policies. All policyholders with a personal auto policy in force on May 31, 2020 will receive a refund check for 15% of their April and May premium. Policyholders do not need to take any action to receive this credit. We are in the process of filing the refunds with respective insurance departments and we anticipate refund checks to be issued in early June.
We are pleased to announce that we have added the Bridgeton Salvation Army and the Community Food Bank of NJ to our list of charitable organizations that we are supporting as part of our total $25,000 in special contributions during the current Coronavirus crisis. We appreciate all of the contributions these organizations have made to assist our local community during this challenging time.
As the Coronavirus pandemic continues to grow in our community and across the globe, the importance of supporting each other increases exponentially. Cumberland Mutual strives to help our family, friends, and neighbors stay safe and healthy during this difficult time. We recognize the importance of the health organizations and community outreach programs that are working on the frontline of this pandemic. Cumberland Mutual is donating a total of $25,000 to help our community in this time of need. The organizations we are donating to include; Cumberland County and Salem County Meals on Wheels, Complete Care, Inspira Health, M25 Initiative: Code Blue, Good Shepherd Dining Hall Food Bank, and The Guidance Center. Each of these organizations provides essential services that will help our community navigate through this challenging time. We want to express our deep gratitude to everyone who is working tirelessly on the frontlines.
Cumberland’s core focus is continuing to provide an exceptional level of service to our policyholders and independent agent partners as the COVID-19 health situation evolves and affects our communities. The Cumberland team is able to achieve these service levels while working remotely to practice social distancing.
We continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and follow the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), and local government health & safety recommendations. The rapidly evolving situation requires an agile response. Policyholders and agents can be assured that Cumberland will be here for you.
· Cumberland strongly encourages our policyholders to utilize credit card and electronic fund transfer (“EFT”) payment methods during the COVID-19 situation. Visit the following link for instructions on how to make a payment electronically: Make a Payment
· Cumberland is well capitalized (rated A- by AM Best). Cumberland’s promise of insurance protection will endure.
· is available to you 24/7 to make a payment or submit a claim.
In an effort to promote the well-being of the community, we activated our business continuation plan earlier this week with the following enhanced measures:
· Remote Work: Cumberland has instituted a work from home policy for its employees. Remote work is a primary element of Cumberland’s business continuation plan and our ability to work remotely has been tested. We are confident that there will be no interruption in the level of service.
· Travel Limitations: We are recommending that employees limit all non-essential business travel during this situation.
We will continue to inform our stakeholders as the situation develops. If you have questions in the meantime, please contact us at 800 232-6992 or your independent agent.
Thank you for selecting Cumberland for your insurance needs. We hope that you and your families remain safe and healthy during this rapidly developing global health situation.
Cumberland Mutual is closely monitoring the rapidly evolving COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation. Cumberland recognizes that the situation with COVID-19 is fluid and may require additional measures if the outbreak progresses unexpectedly. We will act in accordance with government and health organization recommendations in relation to staff welfare and communications. We have a sound framework in place to handle and manage business disruptions arising from a potential pandemic such as COVID-19. The safety and well being of all employees, policyholders, agents and ensuring our critical business functions remain operational is our primary goal.